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    8 83 2 daunting prospect adj ÈdTÐntjK less confident Ferguson s footsteps.
    full of energy and new ideas, and It's such a dynamic company that we all feel
    8 83 2 dynamic adj dajÈnæmjk determined to succeed inspired.
    without being affected or influenced by The law required equal treatment for all,
    8 83 2 regardless of adverb rjÈaQÐdlYs something regardless of race, religion, or sex.
    to eagerly accept a new idea, opinion, We hope these regions will embrace democratic
    8 83 2 embrace verb jmÈbrejs religion etc reforms.
    She has a cute way of looking at you while
    8 83 2 cute adj kjuÐt very pretty or attractive she's speaking.
    to make someone decide to do
    8 83 2 prompt verb prRmpt something What prompted you to buy that suit?
    an expatriate, is someone who lives in a
    8 83 2 expat noun ÌeksÈpæt foreign country They are now expats living in Spain.
    if someone or something blends in with
    phrasal people or objects, they match them or The old house blends in perfectly with the
    8 83 2 blend in verb Èblend jn are similar, and you do not notice them countryside.
    doing something in a very determined
    way because you have very strong
    8 83 2 resolutely adverb ÈrezYluÐtli beliefs, aims etc Mia resolutely refused to talk about her illness.
    8 83 2 transient adj ÈtrænziYnt continuing only for a short time The city has a very transient population.
    PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 51
    Gold Advanced Wordlist
    to make a difficult situation worse by Helmut s problems were compounded by his
    8 83 2 compounding verb kYmÈpaŠnd adding more problems lack of concentration.
    if something reaches a peak, it is at its
    best, greatest, highest, most successful
    8 84 1 reach a peak noun piÐk etc The traffic reaches a peak between 5 and 6 pm
    A wide base will make the structure much more
    8 84 1 remain stable adj stejbYl steady and not likely to move or change stable.
    to develop or increase more quickly
    than someone or something else and
    become more successful, more Television soon overtook the cinema as the
    8 84 1 overtook verb ÌYŠvYÈtejk important, or more advanced than them most popular form of entertainment.
    the process of becoming less, or the
    amount by which something becomes There has been a steady decrease of
    8 84 1 decrease noun ÈdiÐkriÐs less temperature.
    The island s population initially numbered 180,
    decline a decrease in the quality, quantity, or but there was a gradual decline until only 40
    8 84 5 noun djÈklajn importance of something people were left.
    Some workers can only afford homes outside
    8 84 5 adj ÌmetrYÈpRlYtYn relating or belonging to a very large city metropolitan areas.
    the process of leaving your own country Emigration has been a serious population for
    8 84 6 emigration noun ÌemYÈarejƒYn in order to live in another country the small island.
    the process of entering another country He called for a common European policy on
    8 84 6 immigration noun ÌjmYÈarejƒYn in order to live there permanently immigration.
    to tell someone what you think they
    should do, especially when you know
    8 85 1 advise verb YdÈvajz more than they do about something Evans advised him to leave London.
    to advise someone to do something,
    especially because you have special I recommend that you get some professional
    8 85 1 recommend verb ÌrekYÈmend knowledge of a situation or subject advice.
    to tell someone your ideas about what
    they should do, where they should go Her mother suggested that she should go and
    8 85 1 suggest verb sYÈd’est etc see the doctor.
    to strongly suggest that someone does He urged that a referendum should be held by
    8 85 1 urge verb \Ðd’ something December.
    to say that you believe someone is
    guilty of a crime or of doing something
    8 85 2 accused verb YÈkjuÐz bad He was accused of murder.
    to say that you have done something A quarter of all workers admit to taking time off
    8 85 2 admitted verb YdÈmjt wrong, especially something criminal when they are not ill.
    to officially tell people about something, They announced their engagement in  The
    8 85 2 announced verb YÈnaŠns especially about a plan or a decision Times .
    PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 52
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    to say or think that someone or
    something is responsible for something The report blames poor safety standards for the
    8 85 2 blamed verb blejm bad accident.
    to ask someone to come to a party, Gail invited me to stay with her while her
    8 85 2 invited verb jnÈvajt wedding, meal etc husband was out of town.
    to feel or say that you oppose or
    8 85 2 objected verb YbÈd’ekt disapprove of something I objected to having to rewrite the article.
    to allow something to happen,
    especially by an official decision, rule, As a punishment, she was not permitted to
    8 85 2 permitted verb pYÈmjt or law attend any school activities.
    to tell someone that something bad or
    dangerous may happen, so that they Salmon farmers are warning of the severe crisis
    8 85 2 warned verb wTÐn can avoid it or prevent it facing the industry.
    someone who sees a crime or an
    accident and can describe what Police have appealed for witnesses to come
    8 85 2 witness noun ÈwjtnYs happened forward.
    to make someone feel calmer and less
    worried or frightened about a problem He tried to reassure me that my mother would
    8 85 4 reassured verb ÌriÐYȃŠY or situation be okay.
    to give someone the courage or Cooder was encouraged to begin playing the
    8 85 4 encouraged verb jnÈkŒrjd’ confidence to do something guitar by his father.
    to say firmly and often that something is
    true, especially when other people think His friends insisted he had no connection with
    8 87 1 insisted verb jnÈsjst it may not be true drugs.
    someone who goes to live in another
    area or country, especially in order to
    8 87 3 migrant workers noun ÈmajarYnt find work A lot of factory work is done by migrant workers.
    special treatment to help people stop
    8 87 3 detox noun ÈdiÐtRks drinking alcohol or taking drugs She spent a month in detox.
    if people flock to a place, they go there
    in large numbers because something
    interesting or exciting is happening
    8 87 3 flock verb flRk there People have been flocking to the exhibition.
    if people assimilate, or are assimilated
    into a country or group, they become
    part of that group and are accepted by Refugees find it difficult to become assimilated
    8 87 4 assimilate verb YÈsjmYlejt, the people in that group into the community.
    the education and care that you are
    given as a child, and the way it affects There is an ongoing debate about nature versus
    9 88 1 nurture noun Èn\ÐtƒY your later development and attitudes nurture.
    9 88 3 defied verb djÈfaj to not happen according to the A 16-week premature baby defied the odds and
    PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 53
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    principles you would expect survived.
    difficult to imagine and very big,
    9 88 3 mind-boggling adj Èmaind ÌbRgljK strange, or complicated It's a problem of mind-boggling complexity.
    to look at something or someone for a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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