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    days on a regular basis. Never particularly healthy. Considerable drug-taking habits.
    Twenty to thirty cups of coffee every day, a history of speed, valium, grass, thorazine.
    Alcohol. Has had syphilis and gonorrhea, many incidents of the latter. Has taken much
    antibiotics. No.6. 34-year-old male bisexual. Emaciated, weight-loss. Lives on a total
    junk-food diet, shoots heroin, shoots cocaine, free bases, has a long history of gonorrhea,
    which has now become both front and back, and he is frequently re-infected. Much
    antibiotics. No.7. 23-year-old heterosexual. Had pneumonia, but a definitive diagnosis of
    pneumocystis was not made. Has also had fungal infections, while he lived in Miami.
    Has sex with new women 4-5 times a week. Long history of antibiotics, taken for STDs (
    sexually transmitted diseases), but also to "stave off possible infections." He dealt drugs
    in Miami and used coke, speed, downers. No.8. 44-year-old white gay man from
    Denmark. Somewhat promiscuous. 25-year, heavy alcoholic. Recently joined AA. Long
    history of depression. After an automobile accident, had a major operation and a
    transfusion. Did not recover well, and began losing weight. No.9. 54-year-old semi-
    retired male. Bisexual. Has had candida, other fungal infections. 20 years of promiscuous
    sex, much of it in bathhouses. Has had immunotoxic medical drug therapy for a cancer,
    also has a history of hepatitis B and STDs. Took many gammaglobulin shots. 5-10 years
    of amphetamines. No.10. 35-year-old heterosexual. Has had both pneumocystis and
    severe herpes, hepatitis A, B, while living in Europe. Has taken many gammaglobulin
    shots, had has several STD episodes. Shoots heroin regularly, is quite promiscuous. Has
    used alcohol every day for six years (averages five drinks a day). This is not to suggest
    that there are no puzzling cases of diagnosed AIDS, in which the immunosuppressive
    factors are harder to find. Those hard-to-understand situations, as well as others, may
    involve syphilis. But again, as I mentioned, the above 10 cases are normal in the
    experience of, not just Mr. True, but many clinicians and therapists. The combination of
    many drugs and STDs is common. In other words, immunosuppression already exists
    from factors having nothing to do with the HIV virus. These factors are routinely ignored
    by mainstream physicians in accounting for the immune deficiency called AIDS. Why?
    Because the automatic assumption is made that HIV is the cause of all the
    Antibiotics, by many accounts, have been overused tremendously in certain pockets of
    the American gay community, in the last fifteen years. In this, such gays represent an
    extreme example of general overuse, particularly in hospitals. From reports of several
    clinicians who interview people with AIDS, there are cases where these people have
    taken antibiotics for ten years, continuously. This practice started taking off in the 60s. A
    gay man, going to, say, Puerto Rico on vacation might ask his doctor for a script, for
    antibiotics, because he wasn't sure he could get one in Puerto Rico. His doctor would
    write one out. Prophylactic (preventive) dosing continued when the same gay man, back
    in New York, would anticipate going to the baths on the weekend. He would load up on
    tetracycline, just to make sure he would be okay if he ran into gonorrhea bacteria. And so
    on and so forth, until, among some people, popping antibiotics became a daily regimen, a
    habit, as San Francisco physiologist Joan McKenna says, "against the possibility of a
    Copyright 1988 Jon Rappoport
    pimple." Overprescription of antibiotics has two principal effects. It creates antibiotic-
    resistant germs which then become harder to treat, and it upsets in the patient's body the
    balance of microbes which has been established over the course of evolution. Physicians,
    then faced with antibiotics having no effect on their patients' infections - and not realizing
    that the cause is genetic resistance which has been built up by those germs to antibiotics -
    can in some cases jump the gun and assume the patients are so immune-depressed that
    "drugs don't work anymore." Leading to false diagnoses of AIDS. A patient, through
    overuse of antibiotics, carries around with him an imbalance of germs in which harmful
    micro-organisms have gained the upper hand in territories of the body in which their
    natural competitors have been drugged out of existence. Two instances of this are
    salmonella and candida albicans. Both are specifically listed as grounds for a diagnosis of
    AIDS on the September 4, 1987, CDC definition of AIDS, even though these infections
    can clearly develop for no other reason than antibiotic abuse. Other similar instances are
    streptococcus, Proteus and Pseudomonas. Any of these alone could be defined as AIDS.
    You may, if you wish, rely on the wisdom of your doctor to know about the strange
    imbalancing effects of antibiotic overprescription - but the facts are that most physicians
    are unaware of, or ignore, that potentially important element of disease. 1. In some areas
    of the third world where AIDS cases are reported, antibiotic use has grown tremendously.
    Prescriptions are rarely necessary. The drugs are sold over the counter and then shot or
    swallowed. 2. One of the most toxic antibiotics, chloramphenicol, whose use is carefully
    monitored in the US, is shipped to Brazil, parts of Africa, and Mexico where, bought over
    the counter, it can suppress immune systems by harming bone marrow. 3. Some
    antibiotics inhibit protein-synthesis and are thus toxic (immunosuppressive). The
    universally used tetracycline falls into this category. 4. It is probable that certain bacteria
    are useful to us because, without being harmful, they "exercise" our immune systems and
    keep them in good scavenging shape. Antibiotic overuse can demolish these useful
    5. Beneficial skin bacteria act as a kind of immune system of their own, protecting us
    against Staph, Strep, Neisseria (meningitis, gonorrhea), Clostridium, Cornebacterium.
    Again, antibiotics can sweep the deck clean and rid us of these "immunizing" helpful
    bacteria. 6. As previously mentioned, several clinicians and Joan McKenna, a San
    Francisco physiologist, report, from many interviews of gay AIDS patients, extensive
    long-term use of antibiotics (prophylactic) for possible STD infections - 10-15 years of
    more or less continuous usage. One can infer that these men's bodies are filled with
    antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Also that these resistant bacteria are being passed
    around in dense quantities in areas of the gay community. Doctors are naturally baffled
    by the failure of many types of antibiotics to put a dent in these bacterial infections. An
    AIDS myth begins: Bacterial infections and their unmanageability are said to be entirely
    the result of underlying immune-suppression from the HIV virus. 7. Some British strains [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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