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be an effective cover. After all, if no one can grasp your meaning& "
"Yeah, well, it helps if we can, at least." Dean laughed.
"Okay," Ryan said good naturedly, "let's cut the stupe stuff and get serious,
though I guess us all being in a good mood is going to help."
"Not hurt," Jak commented.
"Right," Ryan began briskly. "I guess we all know the basic plan. There are
five points on the patrol roster for tonight that will be left clear at the
optimum time for attack. So what we do is quite simple. We reverse the roster
and leave the other seven points uncovered, concentrating our efforts on those
points that the baron and his mercies will think are vulnerable."
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"Not much room hide," Jak commented. "How we keep in cover as bastards
"Yeah, I've been a little worried about that one," Ryan said. "There are some
areas where we can take cover, but the horses could prove a problem. Some of
the hideouts are only big enough for people."
"If we make good time, we could tether the horses at the points where we're
supposed to be, and make it the rest of the way on foot," J.B. put in from his
post by the tent's opening. "That way they can see our mounts if they try to
check us out, mebbe figure whoever they're checking is taking a leak at that
"Yeah, good idea." Ryan nodded. "That gives us some cover and mebbe buys a
little more surprise."
"Sounds good," Krysty agreed. "So how do we divide up? Seven into five just
doesn't go at all."
"We'll do a couple of pairs, and then the rest individually. I know the
handsets are a risk to use because we might get overheard, and because the
refinery works cause interference, but at least they'll give us some semblance
of contact."
"Okay," Mildred said. "But who gets what?"
"Dean and Doc, you two pair up and take the double refinery building. That
needs a pair to cover both, and it'll give you a chance to cover each other's
The younger Cawdor and Doc both agreed. In many ways, as the youngest and the
least fit of the group, they would be able to compensate for each other's weak
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Ryan continued. "Jak, you take the pipeline point C on the map. It's the most
open spot, and I figure you'll be the best suited to finding a hiding place."
The albino hunter didn't speak, merely nodding briefly. His hunting prowess
was such that he would be able to find the tiniest recess, the merest hint of
darker shadow, and merge silently with it and remain still almost
indefinitely. In such an open position, this was an invaluable gift.
Ryan turned to Mildred. "The far side of the storage tank, at point K. There's
a lot of desert for them to come in from, so it could any angle. Keep triple
sharp on it."
"You know it," Mildred said.
Ryan turned to J.B., who moved into the tent slightly so that Ryan wouldn't
have to raise his voice. "As for you, J.B., you've got one of the shortest
straws. I need you to cover the point that takes in the tip of the old
blacktop. I guess that's the way they'll probably come, so you'll need to stay
alert and mebbe let some past before picking up your target."
The Armorer scratched his head under the battered fedora. It was a difficult
task, as he would need the patience and judgment to let some of the mercies
through before taking action. But the Armorer was a man with a finely honed
sense of combat, and could be relied on to kick into action at the right
"Guess I can handle that," he drawled. "So that leaves& ?"
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"Leaves the wellhead itself," Ryan said grimly. "I figure that's the big
target, because if that goes, then the whole thing is fucked over. And I guess
because of that, Baron Silas will want to handle it himself. So that's where I
want to face him down. And I'll take you with me," he added to Krysty, "as I'm
figuring mebbe more firepower from the mercies there, and I'll need a backup."
The woman nodded slowly. "You can count on me, lover."
"Okay." Ryan looked at his wrist chron. "It's about two hours till the sun
starts to set. Let's get some rest."
THE BANQUET in the baronial hall was in full swing. It was only John the
Gaunt from Haigh who didn't seem to be succumbing to the flow of strong liquor
and the lines of jolt, although the dour and severe baron was showing a
glimmering of interest in the redheaded serving girls. Baron Silas whispered
to one of his sec men, and it wasn't long before the Haigh baron found himself
the center of attention from a couple of Salvation's finest gaudies, skilled
in the art of seducing men.
The evening wore on rapidly, but not rapidly enough for Silas, who found it
harder and harder to keep a slick smile on his face while the rest of the
barons got more and more removed from reality.
"Boy, I'll say one thing for you," Baron Silveen slurred at one point, "you
can sure throw a party and a half."
Baron Silas Hunter found it hard to smile in reply, just wanting them to pass
out as quickly as possible. He had started the revelry as soon as the first
baron had
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arrived, and had so managed to so far deflect away from himself any awkward
questions. But unless they hit the tables in unconsciousness soon, he wouldn't
be able to carry out his plan.
More jolt, more alcohol, more girls&
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Eventually, he found that he was the only baron or sec man in the room able to
Now was the time to slip away. By the time his task had been carried out,
they'd all be comatose. And he'd be in the clear.
He hoped.
Chapter Nineteen
Myall watched the companions leave the sec camp as the sun began to sink and
another night descended on the compound. McVie joined his chief at the doorway
to the mess hall, where Myall had been completing new duty rosters and
worrying about the meeting of barons that was taking place back in
"You reckon they've got any chance of stopping this, Chief?" the stocky second
in command asked.
Myall shrugged. "I dunno. I would have said so at one point, but after last
I don't know if any of us have got a chance of stopping it, especially if we
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