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touches the outside surface of the fingers of the other hand.
Remain with the position which gives you the best results. It
might take several days to find the right position. Only a practi-
cal approach to this problem will yield the best results and will
further your progress.
The goal, as mentioned before, is internal and external
steadfastness. Once you have accomplished that, the active
phase follows.
B. Active Phase: This phase can be structured in various
ways in accordance with your intentions. It can consist of:
1. A self-command, or
2. Meditation, or
3. Contemplation.
(1) Autosuggestion and Belief: Autosuggestion (self-
command) is by far the most effective manner in which you can
influence your habits, deep into the organic area. It is the spiri-
tual flank attack which will certainly lead you to victory, even
when dealing with deep-rooted shortcomings and even when the
frontal attack is not sufficient.
You must proceed with a plan which you have determined
beforehand; that is, you have to employ suggestion formulas, as
mentioned previously, which are positive, powerful and brief.
("Under all circumstances I remain courageous!" or "Day by
day I have myself under better control!" or "My health is incon-
testable! ")
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When dealing with a particular narrowly defined object,
you would be well advised to draw in your mind a clear outline
or picture of the goal you wish to attain. For instance, see your-
self endowed with the attribute you are trying to attain. The
livelier the colors and forms of this imaginary picture, the more
exactly will it be executed by the powers of formation of your
organism and turned into practice. Your fluid, spiritual body
obeys this order and, with the certainty of a mathematical law,
puts the necessary powers into motion to reach the goal, regard-
less of whether this body has received only general or well-
dedined instructions. This body accepts the order without ques-
tion and it becomes its dogma; it will obey blindly. Every belief
has come into being in this or a similar manner.
The act of implanting or memorizing can be accomplished
in various ways. The simplest approach is to convince yourself
of the order or the autosuggestion by quiet recitation in your
mind. This has to be done as follows: word by word, slowly,
with a pause after each word. The sentence has to be repeated
several times in short intervals. Besides this simple and, so to
speak, basic method, there are others with which you will be-
come acquainted during the course of this schooling.
(2) The Nature Of Meditation: When you practice medi-
tation you are dealing with the inner immersion of a sequence
of pictures with corresponding feelings. Pictures, like feelings,
are exactly specified or outlined. The closer observation begins
by embellishing the original picture in detail. This has to occur
with absolute exclusivity, and will represent no difficulties if
the first passive concentration phase is practiced properly. Once
this is understood, then follow the development of the sequence
of pictures before your spiritual eyes which goes hand in hand
with the corresponding immersion. This immersion must take
place with such inner conviction that the observer and the ob-
ject of his observation become, so to speak, one. Once you have
mastered that, the result is the third phase, the phase of enlight-
enment or inspiration, a comprehension and understanding of
the most profound truthfulness of the entire sequence of pic-
tures. You will only be able to understand that in its entire
depth with which you are able to consciously merge internally.
This procedure is a process entirely of its own and of a particu-
lar manner, which on the whole cannot be properly explained;
rather, it must be experienced.
(3) The Nature Of Contemplation: The nature of contem-
plation, as indicated by its name, means to remain in the same
motionless position with a single concept in the form of a pic-
ture. The spirit is completely motionless and directed towards
one particular object. Then the spirit will experience the merg-
ing process, mentioned before, of the consciousness with the
proper exercise and aptitude. The higher level of this condition
presents itself as ecstasy and is not readily granted to everyone.
It would be desirable to reach this level, especially if intensive
consequences upon your everyday life are to be achieved. More
will be said about this subject in another chapter.
Before we begin with the practice of the third level, we
should note that exercises 5 to 7 in the previous Letter (the ex-
ercise of remaining calm, the accumulator exercise, and the
daily self-criticism) have to be maintained permanently. We
must not pass through the course in such a way that we com-
plete level after level of subject matter that we consider to be
painful but which we forget later on. We want to achieve a
transformation and development of the entire personality; we
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want to form attributes of permanence of the highest value
which remain an asset to us that we shall never lose.
Practical Exercises Of
The Third Level
1. Record your dreams every morning and seek to obtain a
clear understanding of their significance.
2. Practice five minutes of power breathing every morning.
3. Practice a preliminary concentration exercise daily, al-
ternating between these two exercises:
(a) the object exercise described in 3(a) below, or
(b) the fantasy exercise.
4. Practice point fixation daily.
5. Alternate a daily meditation on the following:
(a) death and burial, or
(b) the tree of life
6. Practice the spiritual flank attack.
(1) The best method of recording your dreams is in a diary,
which you have to change or arrange accordingly. The purpose
would be best served if you record your dreams on the left hand
page of your diary and the events of the day on the right; or you
can arrange a single page in that manner. The purpose is to
bring daily events into some relationship with your dreams. (In
this regard more explanations will follow in this chapter.)
Your dream experiences take place in the fluid body,
without any mediation of the sensory organs. The dream
approaches your "I" from another, unaccustomed side.
Therefore, as a consequence, you are inclined to forget the
events in your dreams immediately unless they are impressed
upon your physical memory at once. It is absolutely necessary
that everything you dream be recorded immediately upon
awakening. At the very least, write down the key words so that
you can fill in the gaps later on. If you choose the key words
properly, it will be sufficient to recall the entire event.
Remember, every dream you process is mostly a dream of
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