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    used in bladder cancers. Approximately half of patients
    will achieve 5-year survival if they do not have metas-
    tases. Many patients with urachal carcinoma will be
    eligible for clinical trials (Question 96). Clinical trials
    A carefully planned
    experiment to evalu-
    47. Are there complementary or alternative
    ate a treatment or
    therapies that are useful?
    medication (often a
    new drug) for an
    Most alternative therapies have not been well studied,
    unproven use.
    making it difficult to recommend any specific therapy.
    Supplements like bovine and shark cartilage are often
    touted as being active against cancer, but no good stud-
    ies have yet been completed that show a convincing
    effect. Herbal remedies are also available, although
    none have been proven to be effective. Any of these
    types of treatments can be expensive, and the dangers
    are equally unknown. To be effective against cancer, any
    treatment must be able to kill cancer cells. If an agent is
    potent enough to kill these cells, it should easily be able
    to kill normal cells and potentially have serious nega-
    tive side effects. Be suspicious of treatments that allege
    results with no side effects. Furthermore, if you are on
    medications prescribed by your doctor, you need to be
    aware of the potential interactions between herbal ther-
    apies and those prescription medications.
    In the end, we urge you to use caution and common
    sense when considering alternative therapies, especially
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    dietary supplements and herbal medications. The
    National Institutes of Health maintains a website of
    complementary and alternative medicine at http://
    nccam.nih.gov/ that provides information and links to
    other resources. You can also see our appendix for
    more sources of information.
    48. Do I need to seek treatment right
    away after being diagnosed with invasive
    bladder cancer?
    Once you have Once you have been diagnosed with invasive bladder
    been cancer, it is very important to seek treatment right
    diagnosed away. The goal of bladder cancer treatment is to stop
    with invasive the cancer before it spreads outside of the bladder.
    bladder cancer, Surgery can cure only when all of the cancer is
    it is very removed. If the tumor has spread outside of the blad-
    important to der, even in microscopically small amounts, then sur-
    seek treatment gery will usually not be enough. A delay in treatment
    right away. after your initial diagnosis may increase the risk that
    the tumor will spread outside of the bladder.
    After diagnosis, several tests still must be performed
    before surgery. These tests are designed to help ensure
    that the cancer is confined to the bladder and that you
    are in optimal medical condition to get through the
    surgery. These tests must all be scheduled and per-
    formed and the results reviewed. This usually takes at
    least 2 or 3 weeks. Although the less time that elapses
    before surgery the better, it is generally agreed that the
    process should take less than 6 weeks to avoid signifi-
    cantly increasing the risk of spread. Thus, if you delay
    starting the process you will only add to the duration of
    time that passes before treatment. There is no need to
    panic, and remember that the process will usually take
    several weeks. However time is indeed of the essence.
    95870_PT04_FINAL.QXP 6/24/10 12:18 PM Page 63
    What is intravesical therapy?
    What is the difference between therapeutic
    and prophylactic intravesical therapy?
    What is immunotherapy?
    More . . .
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    1 0 0 Q U E S T I O N S & A N S WE R S A B O U T B L A D D E R C A N C E R
    49. What is intravesical therapy?
    Intravesical therapy is treatment for bladder cancer that
    is applied directly into the bladder. It can be either
    Immunotherapy immunotherapy or chemotherapy. The most common
    Therapy designed to
    type of immunotherapy is BCG. BCG is immunother-
    activate the body s
    apy that may be given with or without interferon. Sev-
    own immune system
    eral chemotherapeutic agents are also available, including
    to fight disease.
    mitomycin C, thiotepa, doxorubicin, epirubicin, valrubicin,
    and others. These are all administered directly into the
    bladder through a catheter. The medications are then
    able to act on the surface of the bladder without exposing
    the rest of your body to potentially harmful medications.
    (See Questions 51 and 64 for details on immunotherapy
    and chemotherapy.)
    50. What is the difference between therapeutic
    and prophylactic intravesical therapy?
    Intravesical therapy is said to be therapeutic when it is
    used to kill visible tumor cells. Some patients are unable
    to have their entire tumor(s) removed with TURBT
    because of the location or extent of the tumor. Intravesi-
    cal therapy in these patients is designed to kill the
    remaining tumor and is thus called therapeutic. Intra-
    vesical therapy is also considered therapeutic when used
    to treat carcinoma in situ.
    Many patients receiving intravesical therapy have already
    had their entire tumor removed by TURBT. The goal
    Prophylactic of this type of treatment is prophylactic (i.e., trying to
    Preventive measure prevent the growth of new tumors). Most experts believe
    or medication.
    that this type of treatment actually works not by pro-
    tecting you from the development of new tumors, but
    by eradicating microscopic tumors that would eventually
    have grown into larger tumors.
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    51. What is immunotherapy?
    Immunotherapy takes advantage of the methods used
    by our own immune system to attack cancer cells. There Immune system
    are two types of immunotherapy: passive or active. Pas- The body system,
    made up of many
    sive immunotherapy involves the direct administration
    organs and cells, that
    by doctors of molecules or cells to a patient and requires
    defends the body
    against infection, dis-
    no involvement by the patient s own immune system.
    ease, and foreign
    Active immunotherapy attempts to activate the patient s
    substances. The
    immune system to attack the cancer cells.
    immune system is
    often stimulated in
    specific ways to fight
    Immunotherapy could someday help to avoid the toxi-
    cancer cells.
    city of chemotherapy and radiation for a variety of dif-
    ferent types of cancers. For most cancers, this type of
    therapy is very new, and research is still ongoing. For
    bladder cancer, one type of immunotherapy, called
    BCG therapy, has been available for many years with
    excellent results.
    52. What is BCG?
    BCG stands for Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. It was
    developed in the 1920s. Some readers may recognize
    this as a vaccine for tuberculosis, as it is still used for
    this purpose in many countries. BCG is a live, attenu- Attenuated
    ated (weakened) form of the bacteria that causes tuber- To reduce in force,
    value, amount, or
    culosis. Although it is too weak to cause tuberculosis,
    degree; to weaken.
    it does activate the immune system. When it is given
    With respect to a
    bacteria/virus, to
    as a vaccine, it causes antibodies to be made that are
    reduce the infectivity
    active against the usual form of tuberculosis, thereby
    of a pathogenic
    preventing most patients from acquiring the disease.
    For reasons that we still do not fully understand, the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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