 Pokrewne IndeksCarr William Guy, Pawns In The Game (1958) EditionWilliam Gibson Cykl San Francisco (2) IdoruWilliam Mark Simmons Undead 2 Dead on My FeetWilliams Walter Jon Stacja aniołówFaulkner William Wsciekłość i wrzaskBarret_William_E_ _Czarnoksieznik_scrWilliams Polly Bezradnik małżeńskiWalter Jon Williams VideostarBurroughs William S. Nagi lunchGerber Michael Barry Trotter. Tom 3 Barry Trotter I KośÂ„ska Kuracja
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    Writing had a physical and even sensual feel that was unfamiliar. She was
    surprised at her reaction to it, this trying to get things down on the little
    pages. Ideas became part of her. She pictured herself two centuries back in
    time, with the Bronte sisters. She began to realize what sketching must be
    like for
    Philippe, who had talked of impressions entering his eyes, mixing in his
    brain, and traveling down his arm onto the paper.
    At the same time, she made preparations to prevent Sturgis from destroying the
    work. She tried to visualize how they might come after her. "Give us all those
    videos you shot." "Is this everything?" "Now we're going to search your room."
    The first line of defense was to back up her videos with duplicate chips that
    she hid in various parts of the station as the opportunity appeared, coding
    these locations into her written notes.
    But the electronic copies weren't safe; she knew Sturgis's people had
    detectors that could pick up electronic data storage. Even a hundred buttons
    Page 187
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
    would be no guarantee. They could sweep her luggage, her body, even the whole
    station. But they were powerless against simple little notebooks as long as no
    one knew about them. She would have to hide them, too, one at a time, as she
    filled them.
    Should she tell Carter about the notebooks? The question nagged at her.
    Finally she decided against it.
    Demonstrations of trust and love were fine, but you had to have your own life.
    Later, she knew, she would have another problem: the organization of facts was
    different from the facts themselves. There was the question of how to cover
    Elena, Stafford, even Sturgis himself. Could she depict any of them as,
    somehow, "good" or "evil"? Or were those merely labels we assigned from our
    own biases? No one, even Sturgis, thought himself to be evil.... Especially
    Sturgis. They all thought they were on the side of the angels, carrying out
    their professional duties.
    Later that night she was on a roll. She told Carter she needed to be alone.
    She wrote as much as she could: the arrival at the station, their first
    meeting with Stafford, Sturgis and his rules.
    When she filled the first notebook on Saturday morning, there was the question
    of where to hide it.
    Scientific facilities, she had noted, were always full of clutter. She
    wandered artlessly around the station, with her equipment, recording
    impressions. When she came to Stafford's lab, she saw an open door. She peeked
    in. Stafford had apparently stepped out. She found a dusty recess behind
    shelving that had not been moved in ages. Checking the room for surveillance
    monitors, she stood against the shelving as if to take an image, and behind
    her back, slipped the first notebook there, to pick up after the story broke.
    After all these centuries, the high-tech warriors could still be defeated by
    the simplest sword the written word.
    She returned to her room and started filling the second notebook: how the
    artifact had looked in the cave, how it had felt being there, her talk with
    Sturgis, how the tremor felt.
    She did not write what she had been doing when the tremor struck.
    Carter spent Friday in amazement. Annie, the night before, the night that
    would not leave his mind, had placed a bomb in his hands. Would he really
    playa role in getting the story out before Sturgis's deadline?
    Probably the question was academic; there was no way to get a message out. But
    if the chips were down, what would he do? No doubt Sturgis had the law on his
    side. When do you break the laws of your country? Were "break" and "laws"
    words that he really believed applied here?
    And what of the tremor? Entries posted on the net, including a spare account
    with Annie's byline, indicated that minor seismic disturbances were still
    being detected at a depth of 950 kilometers under the pole, triangulated by
    the polar seismic grid. Now and then he would stop and try to feel them some
    vibration in the building or under his feet. But he felt nothing. Everyone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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